Pregnant Water Aerobics (TG, AP)

A new life is created from nothing when a boy wishes a little too hard to join a class for pregnant water aerobics.

"Adrian, honey, it's time to go now."

Adrian heard his mother calling, but he was too absorbed in his swimming practice to pay much attention to her. He was underwater, doing his fifth length of freestyle in a row. This boy was so preoccupied that he didn't even notice the piercing sound of the lifeguard's whistle. His head came above water for just half a second when he caught sight of the lifeguard, and he did not look happy. He was yelling at everyone to get out of the pool. Adrian felt embarrassed.

He stood up in the shallow end and looked around. Everyone else had already left the pool, and now the next lot were coming in. For some odd reason, they were all women, ten or so plump ladies with baby bumps. Adrian had never seen so many in one place before - some white, some black, some wearing one-piece swimsuits while others wore bikinis. Their heads bore a mixture of mommyish haircuts and maidenlike braids. But the one thing they all had in common was their outlandishly rotund stomachs. Adrian used to be somewhat creeped out by pregnant women, but that was a while ago. He also wasn't used to seeing them in their swimsuits, because something about them made him feel... different. Either way, he seemed to have grown past his childish squeamishness, and actually thought they looked quite beautiful.

Before he could stash this thought away in his happy place, the lifeguard tapped him on the shoulder and said:

"You, kid, get out of the pool! This is the women's only session."

Startled and embarrassed, Adrian wondered why it was only for pregnant women, but he couldn't find the words to ask it politely. Truth be told, he was a little angered and intimidated by them. These fecund females had sauntered into the building and taken over the pool from him. They must think they were more important because they were carrying the next generation in their bellies. Did they not stop to think that Adrian had feelings too?

But at the same time, he couldn't help but feel mesmerized by half a dozen round-tummied ladies chatting about their due dates, holding hands, helping each other into the pool. It was more than just an idle fascination with their bodies. They made him feel warm and soft inside. Perhaps it was that they awakened the part of him that wanted to be a dad someday. The man inside him wanted nothing more than to create the miracle of new life.

But that couldn't be right. To think of himself as a man felt wrong, insofar as it reminded him that he didn't belong here.

It also frustrated him that he could only play a minor role in the miracle of life, and only ever watch it growing inside someone else. He began to wonder if his resentment towards them was nothing more than womb envy, and that perhaps he'd feel differently if he had a womb of his own.

That and the fact that no one would be kind enough to help him in or out the pool.

"I said, out!"

The whistle was blown again, and Adrian scrambled to the pool's edge. 

"Sorry," said Adrian, voice cracking as he hoisted himself onto dry land with his skinny arms.

He came face to face with the lifeguard, a man in his late teens, only a few years older than himself, but he towered over the boy. Even as he came up to full height, Adrian could feel himself blushing.

He shivered. The air outside the pool was colder than expected. So he turned tail and ran towards the changing rooms, wanting to get into his warm towel as soon as possible.

The lifeguard tooted his whistle yet again.

"No running!" he called out.

Adrian stumbled and nearly fell. Even more embarrassed now, he shrank back towards the wall and looked away. He hoped that none of the pregnant women were watching.

That was when he saw a poster taped to the wall. It showed a picture of a woman swimming. She was depicted as a dark silhouette with a bulging belly, with big blue letters across the top that read:


He'd been swimming since about half 6 today, so it must be nearly 8 by now. And it was also a Tuesday.

Along the the bottom, it also said:

A healthy, gentle workout for you and your baby. ANYONE WELCOME, no matter the stage of your pregnancy.

Adrian frowned. It was all very lovely and welcoming, but he knew they only wanted women, and pregnant women at that.

He turned back and threw another longing gaze in the general direction of the aerobics class, wishing so badly that he could join them. He used to think pregnant women looked weird because of the way they walked, but he wished he could look that way too. And they were so much less clumsy when floating in the water. Their ungainly round bodies became something altogether more elegant, magical even.

Finally he said aloud what he had been thinking all along:

"Man, I wish I could join that class."

For a moment he just stood there, watching and waiting as if wanting to be one of them would somehow make it so. But nothing happened. The poor boy just kept shivering.

For all that he might wish otherwise, he was still a boy, soon to be a man, and now he was a creepy boy who ogled pregnant women. Nothing he did to his body would change that. Even if he took hormones, consented to surgery, the one thing he could never actually do was have a womb of his own. He would never join the ranks of those big-bellied beauties. He hadn't thought about this until now, but now it had become all he could think about.

To make matters worse, he was feeling sick. Muscle aches began in the pit of his stomach and intensified as they spread across his chest.

It felt like he was about to throw up. Lucky that hadn't happened when he was in the water. But what on earth had brought on this sudden bout of sickness? He'd been just fine a few minutes ago.

The skin on his midsection tightened as his sickly stomach began to swell. Adrian felt bloated, so very bloated, like he'd just eaten an entire turkey on Christmas day. That was quite unexpected as he hadn't eaten a single thing since breakfast.

Adrian brushed a stray hair out of his eye, finding while doing so that his fringe was longer than usual be. Or maybe it just seemed long because it was wet. Now that he thought about it, he was probably overdue to have it cut, but then again he quite liked it long. He almost wished he could grow it longer.

While he'd been distracted by his hair however, his belly button had changed from an innie to an outie. He looked down again, unable to ignore the pain in his stomach. And that was when he knew his whole life was about to change.

He had always been a very skinny boy. At 14 years old, he had yet to pack on any muscle, or experience many of the changes associated with puberty. His mom kept him disciplined with food and exercise, which he hated. And he'd never really gotten into sports like the other boys. As such, his body had always been on the slim side.

Yet somehow his stomach had nearly doubled in size today, and it was continuing to grow. That meant either one of two things: something was seriously wrong with him, or it was some kind of miracle.

I'm... I'm...

As if in answer to this thought, his chest began to feel extremely sore. The skin around his nipples was blushing a vivid red color.

Every other part of him began to ache in turn. First his arms, then his legs, then his neck. And all the while, his stomach continued to swell.

More subtle however was the swelling on his arms. They hadn't been big until a minute ago, but now they were getting longer and wider. In the time he'd been standing here, they had gone from bony appendages lacking muscle definition to nearly adult-sized arms with a modest amount of fat padding.

Adult-sized. That could only mean one thing. He was not just growing outwards, but growing up as well. His legs were getting longer too. He must be nearly 5' 6" by now. Adrian couldn't believe it, but his eyes were level with the top of the poster and there was no denying it now. He was taller than he'd ever been before, and it felt so good.

He considered these changes with a range of emotions. On one hand, he was a little sad to leave his childhood behind. On the other, he couldn't wait to be free from the influence of his over-controlling mother. Looking down at his belly, he made a silent promise to raise his own child better.

Despite all the aches and pains, he felt strangely at ease with his new body. He'd warmed up considerably by now, and no longer needed to shiver. Even as his bones cracked and reshaped themselves, he was quite calm about how they were turning out. Most of the pain was gone too, allowing him to concentrate on the warm and tingly feeling.

So intense was this sensation of comfort that Adrian found himself getting a little turned on by it. But instead of growing, his erection shrank back. Before he could reach in a hand to stop it, his balls and shaft had leapt up inside his body cavity. Adrian let out a little yelp and was surprised at how high his voice had become. His Adam's apple was mostly gone too. He reached up to touch it with one hand, accidentally touching a nipple on the way up.

His breast throbbed painfully at even the slightest touch, reminding him that the skin behind it was still very sensitive. Adrian gave it a little squeeze and winced with simultaneous pain and pleasure. It dawned on him, with a jolt of happiness, that he was going to be able nurse a child with his own milk, to keep it nourished until it grew big and strong.

Adrian rubbed his tummy affectionately as the womb inside continued to grow, slowly but surely pushing him out of his undersized men's swim shorts. They might have slipped off by themselves if it weren't for the bones in his hips that cracked and widened to ludicrous proportions, stretching out the waistband almost to its breaking point. He longed to take them off and free himself from their stifling confinement, but the changes going on beneath them were immensely personal. The remnants of his penis were reforming as a vulva and birth canal, causing Adrian to flush red in the face. He'd never seen a woman's parts before. And now they were on his own body.

But the rest of the changes were nearing completion, and soon the shame of not having a penis went away. This was a woman's body after all, so where was the shame in that? If anything, it bothered him that until just now he'd been living in a skinny boy's body. The pencil-thin thighs and flat chest seemed completely alien and grotesque to him now.

Not to be outdone by his legs or breasts, his tummy grew bigger and rounder still. The hair on his head was getting longer too. It tickled the back of his neck. Adrian grabbed a handful of it and saw that it had gone from dull brown to a rich auburn red. It was almost the same color as his nipples, which were stiff, swollen and nearly ready to let down milk.

I'm... I'm...

Adrian rubbed his belly again, wondering with bated breath if something really was stirring inside. That was when he felt it, a tiny kick. There was a baby inside him and he - no, she - was its mother. Yes! Without a doubt, this was the most exciting thing that ever happened in her entire life.

She fell instantly in love with the child to be, and thought of the many happy years to come. Caring for a new life would not always be easy, but she'd still never forget the wonderful feeling of how it first began.

The waistband of her swim shorts was digging painfully into her hips. It was time to let them go. As she pulled them down, noticing how her once-growing man hands had become so small and dainty, she felt no shame. She was a woman and she was going to show it to the world. The warm sensation on her face confirmed that her facial features had changed shape too, most likely becoming softer and feminine to match the rest of her body. With pert lips and a tiny nose, all traces of masculinity were gone.

As Adrian - no, Adriane - stepped out of her too-tight swim shorts and placed her hands upon her hips, she had never felt more comfortable in her own skin.

I'm... I'm...

"38 weeks and due at the end of the month!" she said, practically glowing with pride.

Several women looked up from the water. One or two of them smiled. The others just stared and nodded, or else averted their eyes entirely.

It was only then Adriane remembered, whether pregnant or not, it was still highly frowned upon to be naked in public. But what was she going to do now? If she put the stuffy shorts back on, they still didn't cover her nipples.

"Oh my," she said.

The harsh stares of everyone around her brought her crashing back to reality. How was this any better than being a schoolboy?

Perhaps, in hindsight, it had not been the smartest thing to wish for. Leaving her childhood behind to be thrust into life as a mother might actually be the worst mistake she'd ever made. She had no experience with kids, no support network, and no husband to share the burden. It was too much to ask for her to do it alone.

"Help!" she cried. "This wasn't supposed to happen. I need my..."

She was about to say mom when she realized how stupid it must sound if it were coming from a grown woman, soon to be a mother herself.

The lifeguard was getting out of his seat again. Oh no, what was he doing now? She wasn't sure, but he was strolling towards her as fast as he could without actually running, and Adriane had never felt so embarrassed. But what was that in his hand? A towel? Yes! That was exactly what she needed right now. How did he know?

The young man came and draped the towel over the naked woman's shoulders, giving her some much-needed modesty.

"Try not to lose your clothes next time," he said with a smile.

Adriane blushed all over again. She could have kissed him there and then, and even more than that if she had the chance.

Wait, what was she thinking? She wasn't attracted to men, was she?

He was kinda cute though. In a moment she found herself lost in the young man's eyes, a brown so deep it was almost black.

Before she could shake off the intrusive thought, she wondered why she'd never noticed it before. Perhaps it was that he'd been so much nicer to her now than when she was a boy, but that wasn't the only reason. Whatever the female equivalent of an erection was, she was getting one now.

Such a shame it was that he was way too young for her, barely more than a boy himself. Otherwise, who knew what might have happened? They could have had a chance at something special.

"Thank you," she said, blushing more than she'd ever done in her life. Then seeing he had begun to walk away, she yelled after him, "No wait, don't go!"

What had come over her all of a sudden? It's not me, it's the pregnancy hormones, she wanted to say, but that was a lie. In this moment she wanted him more than anything she'd ever wanted in her life.

"I'm still on duty," he said. "Someone might need me."

"But I need you more!" said Adriane. She was almost crying now. This time it wasn't embarrassment, or even the fact that she was a raging mess of hormones. She needed this man in her life, to be by her side forever and love her baby as much as she did.

"I wish you could stay forever," she whispered.

The lifeguard stood still. For a moment it looked like he was about to sneeze. Then his body tensed up as he too began to change before her eyes.

At first he grew a few inches taller, pulling up to his full adult height of around 6' 2". His lean and muscled torso began to expand, arms and shoulders getting wider as though from years of training. The skin on his arms, legs and face grew darker, anywhere that wasn't usually covered up by clothes, giving him the appearance of a man who has spent a lot of time outside.

He gained a small but healthy amount of body fat around his midsection. And while he longer had a six-pack, his newly formed body spoke of a subtler, more practical strength. He wasn't so much a bodybuilder, but he looked like he'd be useful to have round the house.

The next thing to change was his face. It shed most of its boyish charm, but gained a wider jawline and an air of maturity. Laughter lines appeared around his mouth and eyes, the result of which was a man that looked more defined, at the onset of his late thirties, yet whose eyes shone with the youthful vigor of someone half his age.

His hair changed too, from a barely-grown-out buzzcut to a comfy style more befitting of a father. The hairline receded just a little, just enough to give him the appearance of a slightly younger George Michael. The stubble on his chin became a lot more defined and darker. And some fluffy black hairs sprang up on his chest, along with a thick black treasure trail leading down to his red swim trunks, which were positively bulging with masculinity.

He was perfect. He was everything she'd ever wanted.

He walked up to her and put his arm on her shoulder.

"I promise. You're in safe hands, Adriane," he said, pointing to the lifeguard's chair. "I'll be up there, making sure you don't drown."

Wait, how does he know my name?

"Uhm... thanks, Carlos."

Wait, how do I know his?

It was a lovely name. She said it to herself in her head. Carlos. And as he turned back around, she glimpsed the shiny gold ring on his right hand.

Wait, what? Surely that thing hadn't been there before? So did that mean they were married now? Adriane certainly hoped so, but why didn't she have one also? And how was this even possible? They had both been adolescent boys until a few minutes ago.

There was a vague memory of her leaving something in her shoe because she was too afraid of losing it in the water. Adriane decided she had no choice but to investigate. So she pulled the towel tighter around herself, and walked back to the locker room with that funny walk that pregnant women do, her breasts bouncing with each step.

When she opened the locker, the first thing she saw was a pair of practical flat shoes. She reached her hand into one of them excitedly. Nothing there. She reached into the other one and found a shiny gold ring. It was just like the one Carlos was wearing - her fairytale prince, and proud father of her child. Knowing this simple fact made her giddy.

Not only that, but there was a navy blue maternity swimsuit in her locker, all folded up neatly and ready to wear. Adriane let out an excited squeal when she saw it.

After making sure there was no one else around, she discreetly removed the towel and slipped the swimsuit on. It was a perfect fit, not too loose and not too tight, despite being in the final few weeks of the third trimester. She wasted no time in waddling back to the pool, eager not to miss the start of her class.

The new mother glimpsed a reflection in the pool water and thought about the life she'd be leading with this body. She knew her figure would never be quite the same after the pregnancy, and she had already made her peace with that.

As a child, she'd always been quite good at swimming lengths. Her new body meanwhile was not designed to do that. It was built to serve a much greater purpose - bringing a new generation into the world. In light of this, she didn't so much mind losing that other part of herself. If anything, it was strange to think of her ever having been a boy in the first place.

When she finally did get her turn, the instructor sat her down and showed her how to enter the pool safely whilst heavily pregnant. Adriane listened, allowing her mind to fully adjust to this new reality.

Her life as a boy was fading to nothing as quickly as one forgets a dream. She could perhaps have held onto a few of those memories, but she decided just to let them go. Her mind was filling up with new ones anyway - the day she fell in love with Carlos, deciding to have kids together, setting up a nursery, and the amazing pregnancy sex.

She caught her other half's eye on the lifeguard's chair, and blew a quiet kiss to him, then she slipped gracefully into the water.

It was the happiest she'd been in nearly twenty years. And best of all, she'd done it without any help from her mother.

Originally published to DeviantArt on January 2, 2018. It's description there was as follows:

Did I mention that I love pregnancy TFs? I can't believe it's taken me this long to finally post one.

And for those wondering, the baby they're having is a boy (for now). They decide to name him Connor and he eventually grows up to star in another story of mine.

Images drawn by myself and Pitaun ( The background is from a public domain image.
